Change Healthcare


4 Lessons We Learned From The Change Healthcare Cyberattack

Healthcare industry leaders think there is much to learn from the Change Healthcare cyberattack, and they hope the sector can apply these lessons to prevent a hack like this from ever happening again. Overall, the chaotic aftermath of the attack underscores the dire need for a more unified approach to cybersecurity within the healthcare sector.

MedCity Influencers, Hospitals, Payers, Opinion, Legal

Regulators get it right in Optum-Change case, a proper target for antitrust enforcement

In both word and action, the Biden administration has ushered in an aggressive new era of antitrust enforcement. Less than a year in, administration leaders have rescinded previous antitrust guidelines, sometimes without explicit replacement, and stopped pending mergers dead in their tracks. It is difficult to cast judgment on so broad a policy shift, but […]

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