Patient Engagement

Health Tech

WebMD Bolsters Patient Engagement Offerings Through New Acquisition

WebMD acquired the operating assets of Healthwise, a nonprofit provider of health education content and patient engagement tools. The deal follows another acquisition WebMD made in the patient engagement space in 2020. According to Ann Bilyew, WebMD’s senior vice president of health, the company is now “the indisputable market leader in providing patient education to both providers and payers.”

Health Tech

Health2047 CEO: As Tech Advances, the Power of Community Engagement Can’t Be Forgotten

In an interview last week, Larry Cohen — CEO of Health 2047, the American Medical Association’s venture studio — noted that digital health programs have proven to do a good job of improving patient outcomes — but only for certain groups. As technology continues to advance, he urged healthcare leaders not to underestimate the effectiveness of engaging patients by having boots on the ground.

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