chronic illnesses

MedCity Influencers

GLP-1s Alone Are Not the Answer to America’s Obesity and Chronic Illness Crises

Obesity/overweight is a significant causal factor in chronic illness and cancer. Weight loss can help people with obesity/overweight avoid and/or manage chronic illness. GLP-1s cause weight loss. So, are GLP-1s the answer to America’s obesity and chronic illness crises? Not if we overlook a key problem at the heart of both challenges: lack of access to nutritious food in the land of plenty.

MedCity Influencers

Medicare and the Continuing Loss of Primary Care Physicians

Primary care physicians (PCPs) have been marginalized by Medicare for decades with low reimbursement rates for routine office visits which has led to the 15-20 minute office visit with 10-12 minutes of actual “face time” and a panel of patients that well exceeds 2000. Is there a good solution to the Medicare cost and quality […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Boston-based company gets FDA clearance for noninvasive monitor aimed to help trauma-care clinicians treat patients in shock

Reflectance Medical, Inc. has received FDA 510(k) clearance for a noninvasive device that could help clinicians determine whether a patient is in shock or pre-shock or has tissue acidosis in real time at the point of injury or care. It’s the only noninvasive pHm monitoring device, and aims to save providers money by reducing ICU […]

MedCity Influencers

Caring For Chronic Illnesses Should Be Different

Our medical care system does not deal well with chronic illnesses; it really concentrates on and is best at treating acute illnesses or trauma – as it has done for the last century and more. But more and more illnesses today are chronic and complex, lasting a patient’s lifetime and bearing very high costs. And […]

MedCity Influencers

Lifestyles Cause Most Serious Disease and Deaths

We all recognize that as a society we have some adverse lifestyle behaviors such as overeating a non-nutritious diet, being fairly sedentary, having chronic stress and having 20% of us still smoking. These behaviors cause the majority of the serious chronic illnesses that are rampant today– yet they are largely preventable. And it is these […]

MedCity Influencers

America Has A Health Care Paradox

We have a real paradox in American healthcare. On the one hand we have exceptionally well educated and well trained providers who are committed to our care. We are the envy of the world for our biomedical research prowess, funded largely by the National Institutes of Health and conducted across the county in universities and […]