Jayan Sivasankaran</a>, SVP and Healthcare Sector Head of the Americas at <a href=https://medcitynews.com/author/sivasankaran/"https://www.qualitestgroup.com/">Qualitest, is a seasoned and diverse IT leader with a special emphasis on the healthcare industry. With a focus on Digital Engineering, Quality Engineering, and Cloud Transformation and adoption, he is well-known among client executives as a trustworthy advisor for achieving significant transformation initiatives. Jayan spent the preceding 12+ years setting up and growing Healthcare QE&A Business Unit with a particular focus on M&A Integrations and Health Plan Business Growth for a large System Integrator. Additionally, he has held a number of senior leadership positions with in the areas of sales excellence, large digital transformation projects, and P&L management in the BFS and healthcare verticals." /> Jayan Sivasankaran, Author at MedCity News

Jayan Sivasankaran

With more than 22 years of experience driving growth across transformational services and platforms, Jayan Sivasankaran, SVP and Healthcare Sector Head of the Americas at Qualitest, is a seasoned and diverse IT leader with a special emphasis on the healthcare industry. With a focus on Digital Engineering, Quality Engineering, and Cloud Transformation and adoption, he is well-known among client executives as a trustworthy advisor for achieving significant transformation initiatives. Jayan spent the preceding 12+ years setting up and growing Healthcare QE&A Business Unit with a particular focus on M&A Integrations and Health Plan Business Growth for a large System Integrator. Additionally, he has held a number of senior leadership positions with in the areas of sales excellence, large digital transformation projects, and P&L management in the BFS and healthcare verticals.

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